Village Election-Results

Village Election Results that were held on Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Elijah Huling Jr-26 votes

Bruce Stebbins-7 votes

William Stowell-6 votes

David Smallwood-5 votes

Timothy McMahon-4 votes

Jody DePaulis-3 votes

Theresa Brickett-2 votes

Theresa Huegel-1 vote

Michael Bryant-1 vote

Mike Pope-1 vote

Ed Van Derwater-1 vote

Amy Nash-Reinagel-1 vote

Katherine Halleron-1 vote





Cannabis Law Opt-Out: Subject to permissive referendum



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Village of Baldwinsville at a regular meeting held December 2, 2021, duly adopted a resolution, subject to permissive referendum, that would enact Local Law 3 of 2021, an abstract of which is as follows.

ABSTRACT: a proposed Local Law adopted pursuant to Cannabis Law §131 opting out of allowing retail cannabis dispensaries and/or on-site cannabis consumption establishments from locating and operating within the boundaries of the Village of Baldwinsville.

Pursuant to Cannabis Law §131, this local law is subject to a permissive referendum and thus may not be filed with the Secretary of State until the applicable time period has elapsed to file a petition or a referendum has been conducted approving this local law.


Dated:   December 7, 2021

Baldwinsville, New York


Village Clerk

Canton Woods Walking Trail

What’s new at Canton Woods?

An outdoor walking trail!

Behind the Canton Woods Senior Center building is a new outdoor walking trail! Get a friend, look for the trail signs, and walk together.

Walking is healthy and safe way to get your steps in each day.

Heath care providers recommend getting 30 minutes of exercise most days…so enjoy the view and get your steps in right at Canton Woods.

Village Seniors, if you would like to start a walking group, contact Ruth Troy at the Senior Center.

Village of Baldwinsville-Smoke Free Policy

Policy statement will be adopted as follows:

In as much as the Village of Baldwinsville is committed to providing a high quality of living for all residents and recognizes that there is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke and that tobacco, marijuana, vaping/electronic cigarettes or any similar substances and used in the proximity of children, youth, and adults engaging in or watching recreational activities is unhealthy the following policy is adopted.

Smoke-free Policy

It is hereby determined to be the policy of the Village of Baldwinsville that the use of tobacco, marijuana, vaping/electronic cigarettes or any similar substances are prohibited within any village owned facilities including, Mercer, McHarrie, Diane Reeves Little League and Community Park, Papermill Island, Baldwin Canal Square and their associated facilities.